Kansas City Pond is the only dedicated pond retailer in the metro area and Kansas. We carry the area’s largest selection of pond and water gardening products for the pond enthusiast. Our experienced staff have wide ranging expertise in pond filtration equipment, fish health, disease control and prevention, aquatic plant selection and care along with all the other facets of pond care and design.
Our staff has many years in aquatics and most are also pond hobbyists who maintain their own water gardens. Each has fish experience in koi identification and disease control and prevention, correct feeding procedures and goldfish health and care. All have extensive experience in plants for the water garden, their identification, habitat and care. All are versed in all the equipment necessary to build and maintain your pond..
We stock the largest selection of fish for all ponds and water features. We regularly import Japanese koi of all grades and sizes. Kohaku, Showa, Ogon, Sanke are only a few of the varieties we carry. Special order koi can also be ordered for the hobbyist looking for and willing to pay more for higher quality Japanese imports. Goldfish varieties we carry include; Shubunkins, Sarassa Comets, Fantails and many others. We also import high quality ornamental goldfish for aquariums. This includes Orandas, Ryukins, Pearlscales and Lionheads and many others. We also carry the largest selection of Koi both domestic and import.
Aquatic plants are necessary to complete your home backyard oasis and we carry a huge selection of Lilies, Lotus, floating plants, oxygenators and many varieties of marginal potted plants. We also carry everything you need to keep your plants healthy and thriving; fertilizers, soil and pots and basins in many sizes.